The Shepherd’s Hand, Inc.
2022 “Value to the Community” summary
The Shepherd’s Hand (SH) is a 501c3, Colorado non-profit Corporation dedicated to providing for the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of the ”homeless” and underserved in the Montrose community. Our goal is to provide individuals and families with housing, food, clothing, counselling and daytime and night time shelter and assistance in transitioning to employment and life “off the streets”.
To accomplish our mission, we have established a day center at 505 South 2nd Street in Montrose which is open throughout the day Monday through Friday. During this time, individuals can come in out of the weather, have access to showers, clothes washing facilities, hot food, and clothing. Life skills training is available as needed or requested. The SH works collaboratively with other non-profits in the community to provide professional counselling on site in private counselling rooms. Access to wall lockers for storing personal items and receiving mail is also available. A separate food distribution point is available at this facility where food is provided as needed.
The year 2022 continued to be challenging with the COVID virus’ continued presence and the closing of Russell Stovers in 2019 still being felt by those who lost jobs (325). Inflation caused Gas and Food prices to go “sky high” along with many other living expenses throughout the year. Hot meals were served from a certified kitchen in our building which was purchased in January 2022. The SH is now the proud owner of a mortgage! After many repairs and much remodeling, SH is now able to meet many more of the needs beyond “first responder” services of the past.
Throughout 2022, hot meals (breakfast & lunch), showers, laundry services, counselling and financial assistance were provided to the Montrose community. Enumerated below are the services and their estimated (conservative) value to the community:
Hot meals @ 505 So. 2nd St. Center: 32,867 @$6/Meal= $ 197,202
Hot meals Region10 Senior Meals: 12,411 @$6/Meal= $ 74,466
Hot meals @ Lighthouse dorm 6,496 @$6/Meal= $ 38,976
Food Box Meals @ 505 Center: 24,534 @$6/Meal= $ 147,204
Meals distributed through other non-profits: 27,796 @$6/Meal= $ 166,776
Total meals provided to the Montrose comm. : 104,104
Showers: 1,806 @$6/Shower= $ 10,836
Laundry-loads wash & dry 979 @$4/Load= $ 3,916
Bed Nights: Working collaboratively with the Lighthouse Shelter 3,896 @$15/night= $ 58,440
Volunteer Hours:
29,544 hrs @ $28.54= $843,186
Financial Assistance:
Direct cash disbursements $ 27,199
Value to the Community of Montrose: $1,568,201
The Shepherd’s Hand can provide these services because of the many volunteers and financial contributions of individuals, businesses, churches and foundations.
Matthew 25: 35-36, 40: "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."
Phone: (970) 275-7215
Address: 505 S 2nd St Montrose, Colorado 84101
Address: 505 South 2nd St Montrose, Colorado 81401